Cycling is a great way to get around. But – it requires cyclists to take responsibility and know the basic rules to ensure their own safety and the safety of others on the road. Whether you’re cycling for transportation or exercise, it’s important to follow these rules to minimize the risk of accidents and conflicts.
Know the rules of the road
Follow traffic signs: Cyclists must obey the same traffic rules as cars. Stop at red lights, give way and respect the rights of other road users.
Bike lane or roadway: Using a bike lane is preferable whenever possible. If you can’t use the bike lane, drive as close to the right side of the roadway as possible, unless otherwise indicated.
Use safety equipment
Helmet: Always wear an approved bicycle helmet to protect yourself from head injuries in the event of an accident.
Lights and reflectors: Make sure you have working headlights, taillights and reflectors, especially when cycling in the dark or at dusk.
Signals and behavior
- Hand signals: Use hand signals to indicate when you are turning left or right so that other road users can anticipate your movements.
- Be predictable: Keep a steady and constant speed. Avoid sudden movements that may surprise others on the road.
- Respect others: Show consideration and respect for pedestrians and other road users. Give space and avoid creating dangerous situations.
- Keep your distance: Be aware of other cyclists and vehicles around you. Keep an appropriate distance to avoid collisions.
- Know the local laws: Know the specific laws and regulations that apply to cyclists in your area or country.
We don’t just cycle for transportation or exercise, we also contribute to the culture of transportation. It’s also a responsibility. Following all the rules helps create a safer cycling experience for everyone on the road. How to create